Break Free Statewide Youth Movement
WHO we are
The Break Free is North Dakota's 100% authentic youth movement. Made up of middle and high school students from across the state working collectively to educate their peers and community members on tobacco prevention issues that affect their school, community, and state.
WHAT we do
Break Free youth work together with likeminded peers to raise awareness about tobacco free policy change that directly affects our generation at the local and statewide level and education about the dangers of tobacco. This is done through advocacy and leadership during the annual statewide Youth Action Summits, presentations to peers and community members, and school wide activisms during nationwide " tobacco prevention holidays".
HOW YOUth can get involved
You don't have to be a part of the youth board to be involved in Break Free! If you are a middle or high school student who's passionate about protecting your generation from a lifelong addiction to nicotine and from being manipulated by the tobacco and vape industries Break Free is for you!
Steps to starting your own Break Free youth chapter:
- Gather a group of likeminded peers
- Get an adult advisor for your group
- Set up a time to meet
- Contact your local public health unit to attend the annual Break Free Youth Action Summit in either Bismarck OR Fargo. (Check out the summit web page for more information by clicking HERE)
- Stay active after the youth action summit by:
- Hold an activism or event in your school during one of the tobacco prevention and cessation holidays listed below.
- Write a letter to the editor and submit it to your local newspaper
- Contact your state and local policy makers to share your story and tell them what your concerns are for your community.
- Present at a school board, park board, or city commission meeting about a tobacco prevention topic your passionate about.
- Speak at a press conference
Reach out to your local public health unit to find out other ways you can get involved! Click HERE to find the public health unit in your county.
WHEN? Opportunities to get involved
- Bismarck - Break Free Youth Action Summit - Tuesday October 8, 2024
- Fargo - Break Free Youth Action Summit - Wednesday October 9, 2024
- Red Ribbon Week - October 23-31, 2024
- Great American Smoke Out - November 21, 2024
- Great American Spit Out - February 20, 2025
- National Drugs & Alcohol Facts Week - March 17-23, 2025
- Take Down Tobacco: National Day of Action - April 1, 2025
- World No Tobacco Day - May 31, 2025
You can hold an event at your school or community anytime, as long as you get permission from your school administration. There are nationally celebrated "holidays" that focus on tobacco prevention and cessation held throughout the school year that are great opportunities for your group to hold their event.
Resources for groups