Mar 12 2018
In 2017, North Dakota’s legislature restructured the state’s tobacco prevention and control program, commonly known as BreatheND, and reassigned prevention efforts to local public health units. Through a grant from North Dakota’s Department of Health, local public health units will continue to use the name and identity, BreatheND, as they implement tobacco prevention as a part of the state’s plan.
“BreatheND is a well-recognized brand with past tobacco prevention success,” says Javayne Oyloe, Upper Missouri District Health. “We wanted to continue those efforts in the most effective and efficient way possible. Using an established brand with proven results makes good sense.”
BreatheND was originally developed in 2006 as the face of North Dakota’s prevention efforts when a local public health unit public education taskforce was formed to implement a comprehensive tobacco prevention program. The brand was later adopted by the former North Dakota Center for Tobacco Prevention and Control Policy and has been the face of the state’s tobacco prevention efforts ever since.
As BreatheND, North Dakota’s local public health units will continue to work to significantly reduce tobacco use and its health and economic consequences.