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FemaleStudentAtTobaccofreeSchool.jpg Tobacco-free School Policies

Interventions to prevent tobacco use initiation and to encourage cessation among youth and young adults can reshape the environment so that it supports tobacco-free norms. Nearly 9 of 10 smokers in the United States start smoking by the time they are 18 years old, and 99% start by the age of 26. Thus, intervening during adolescence and young adulthood is critical.

Community programs and comprehensive tobacco free school and college policies and interventions are part of a comprehensive effort—coordinated and implemented in conjunction with efforts to create tobacco-free social norms, including increasing the unit price of tobacco products, sustaining anti-tobacco media campaigns, and making environments smoke free.

To meet the standard for a comprehensive tobacco-free policy, school districts agree to Ten Comprehensive Tobacco-Free School Policy Requirements.

Smoke-free Work and Public PlacesSmoke-free Work Places and Public Places

On November 6, 2012, every county in the state voted in favor of becoming smoke-free. The law advances public health by protecting more workers, residents and visitors from secondhand smoke exposure in public places and places of employment.

Prior to the state law passing, local communities worked together to make their communities healthier places to be. Fargo and West Fargo past ordinances prior to the state law. Additional cities passed ordinances that mirror the state law, or make their smoke-free law stronger by including some outdoor areas.

Kids in Tobacco-free Park Tobacco-free Parks and Recreation Areas

Tobacco-free parks are an effective way to change the way youth and young adults think about tobacco use. This change leads to fewer people ever starting to use tobacco and encourages users to quit. 

ND Tobacco Free Parks:

Beulah - City-owned parks and recreational facilities

Casselton: Park District-owned recreational facilities
Cooperstown: City-owned parks and recreational facilities
Devils Lake - City-owned parks and recreational facilities

Dickinson: Park Board-owned recreational facilities
Ellendale: City-owned recreational facilities
Fairmount: City-owned parks and recreational facilities

Finley - City-owned parks and recreational facilities

Fordville - City-owned parks and recreational facilities

Forman - City-owned parks and recreational facilities
Fessenden: City-owned parks and recreational facilities
Garrison: City-owned parks and recreational facilities
Grand Forks: Park District-owned recreational facilities

Hazen - City-owned parks and recreational facilities
Harvey: Park Board-owned recreational facilities
Hoople: City-owned parks and recreational facilities
Kindred: City-owned parks and recreational facilities
Langdon: City-owned parks and recreational facilities

Mandan - City-owned parks and recreational facilities
Mapleton: Park Board-owned recreational facilities
Mayville: Park district recreational facilities
Milnor: City-owned parks and recreational facilities
Park River: City-owned parks and recreational facilities
Pekin: Stump Lake Village
Rolette: City-owned parks and recreational facilities
St. Thomas: City-owned parks and recreational facilities
Wahpeton: Park Board-owned recreational facilities

Williston - City-owned parks and recreational facilities


breathe3.jpg Tobacco-free Grounds

Many businesses are discovering that one of the best tools to support the efforts of your employees trying to quit tobacco is to make your business tobacco free through a tobacco-free grounds policy. About 70 percent of smokers want to quit, but quitting tobacco is tough. Limiting the productivity losses and health care costs associated with tobacco can be as simple as creating an environment that empowers employees to reach their own tobacco-free goals.

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